Upper Primary Excursion to the WA Art Gallery and Black Swan State Theatre Company on Friday, 7 September 2018

We are planning to visit the WA Art Gallery to attend the ‘Unlocking Imagination’ exhibition, followed by a backstage tour of the Black Swan State Theatre Company.

We will be leaving school at 9.15am, travel by hired bus to the venue. We will leave the venue at 2.00pm and return to school by 2.30pm approximately.

The students will be accompanied by Jessica and parent helpers. We will need parent volunteers to help with and supervision. Once we have received the permission slips, teaching staff will notify parent helpers if they are needed.

Students will need to wear suitable shoes for walking and bring a packed lunch, water bottle, sunscreen and a hat.

Please note no electronic games or other devices are to taken on excursions and students who are unable to comply with behavioural expectations will need to return to school/home at parental expense. Supervision and a suitable educational program will be provided for them at school. This decision rests with the teacher in charge.

Permission slips to be returned to teacher by Friday 10 August.