The Second Great Lesson delves into the wondrous story of life on Earth, from its humble beginnings as microorganisms to the vast diversity of plants and animals that inhabit our planet today. Through the Timeline of Life, Montessori students are introduced to the fascinating array of living beings and their essential roles in contributing to the delicate balance of life on Earth.

The Story of Coming of Life

Long before the first plants and animals graced the Earth’s surface, microscopic organisms were already thriving. These tiny life forms, called microorganisms, played a vital role in shaping the conditions of our planet. As they multiplied and interacted with their environment, they paved the way for the emergence of more complex life forms.

Over time, life evolved and flourished. Plants emerged, harnessing the energy of the sun through photosynthesis and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. This transformation allowed other living creatures to follow in their footsteps.

The Timeline of Life reveals the magnificent tapestry of organisms that have lived (and continue to live) on Earth. From single-celled organisms to majestic trees and from insects to mammals, each species has its unique place and purpose in the grand symphony of life.

Special emphasis is given to the essential “jobs” that every living thing performs to support life on Earth. Bees pollinate flowers, ensuring the reproduction of plants; decomposers break down organic matter, recycling nutrients to sustain ecosystems; and predators help maintain the balance of populations, preventing overgrowth.

Through this lesson, children discover the interdependence of all living beings and how each organism contributes to the delicate web of life. This understanding fosters a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of our world and the importance of preserving its biodiversity.

The Study of Coming of Life


After being introduced to the vast array of living organisms through the Timeline of Life, students delve deeper into the study of biology. They learn about cells, the basic building blocks of life, and how they organise into tissues, organs, and organ systems. The concept of the five kingdoms – Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia – helps children understand the diversity of life forms.


The exploration of life on Earth includes a special focus on plants. Through botany, students study the classification of plants and their vital functions. They learn about the different parts of plants, such as seeds, fruits, leaves, stems, roots, and flowers, and how these parts contribute to their growth and reproduction. Children also explore the various types of plants found in different habitats.

Habitats and Ecosystems

As children learn about different habitats, they understand how living beings adapt to their surroundings and form complex ecosystems. They explore food chains and webs, as well as symbiotic relationships that demonstrate how species rely on each other for survival. This knowledge instills a sense of responsibility for the conservation of these delicate environments.

Ancient Life

The study of life’s history takes children on a journey through the eras of the Earth. They discover the process of evolution, how species change and adapt over time, and the evidence preserved in fossil records. Excavating fossils and learning about extinct species helps children appreciate the concept of deep time and the interconnectedness of all life forms.

Animal Studies

Students delve into the fascinating world of animals, learning about their classification, needs, and the similarities and differences among different species. They explore the human body systems and the importance of nutrition and hygiene for maintaining a healthy life.

Monera, Protista, and Fungi Kingdoms

In this part of the study, special attention is given to the lesser-known kingdoms of Monera, Protista, and Fungi. Children observe and classify microorganisms, gaining an appreciation for their importance in various ecological processes.


The Second Great Lesson, “Coming of Life,” takes Montessori students on a captivating journey through the Timeline of Life, revealing the incredible diversity and interconnectedness of living beings. By exploring biology, botany, habitats, ancient life, animal studies, and the lesser-known kingdoms, children develop a profound respect for all forms of life on Earth. This knowledge empowers them to become responsible stewards of the environment, fostering a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty and complexity of life.