The Third Great Lesson, “Coming of Human Beings,” marks a pivotal point in the Montessori Great Story, as we explore the emergence of humans and the unique gifts that make us special. Through a timeline presentation, children are introduced to the three remarkable attributes that define humanity: a mind to imagine, a hand to work, and a heart capable of love. This lesson sparks curiosity about the origins of civilizations and the fundamental needs of early humans, inspiring young minds to explore the history, culture, social studies, and the wonders of discovery and invention.

The Story of Coming of Human Beings

As the story unfolds, we journey back in time to the moment when early humans first walked the Earth. They were not the most powerful or fastest creatures, but they possessed remarkable qualities that set them apart. The human hand, with its dexterity and precision, became a tool of immense creativity and innovation.

With their minds, humans could imagine and envision possibilities beyond their immediate surroundings. This gift led them to develop language, art, and the capacity to understand the world and their place in it. They told stories, created cave paintings, and communicated through symbols.

But perhaps the most extraordinary gift bestowed upon humans was the heart capable of love. This powerful emotion connected individuals, forming bonds that nurtured communities and allowed them to care for one another. Love, compassion, and cooperation became the building blocks of societies.

These three gifts – the mind, the hand, and the heart – propelled human beings on a journey of discovery and progress. Early humans learned to use tools, tame fire, and hunt for food. They formed settlements, cultivating crops and domesticating animals, which marked the beginnings of civilizations.

The Study of Coming of Human Beings


The story of human civilization unfolds as children delve into history. They learn about timelines, prehistory, and the rise of ancient civilizations. By studying world history and the stories of specific countries and continents, students gain a comprehensive understanding of humanity’s collective journey.


With the emergence of civilizations came culture – the expression of human creativity and identity. Children explore various art forms, from visual arts and music to dance, drama, and architecture. They discover the contributions of famous artists, composers, and architects, and the role of philosophy and religion in shaping societies. Grace and courtesy are emphasised as essential elements of cultural interactions.

Social Studies

To understand the present, students delve into social studies, examining current events, government structures, economic systems, and commerce. They learn about the importance of civic engagement, volunteering, and charity to build strong and caring communities.

Discovery & Invention

Early humans were natural scientists and inventors, and this part of the study celebrates their curiosity and ingenuity. Children learn about influential scientists and inventors throughout history, the scientific method, and various groundbreaking inventions that have shaped the modern world. They explore the concept of simple machines and how they simplify tasks.


The Third Great Lesson, “Coming of Human Beings,” celebrates the unique gifts that define humanity – the mind to imagine, the hand to work, and the heart that can love. Through the study of history, culture, social studies, and discovery and invention, Montessori students embark on a journey of self-discovery and understanding of the world’s rich tapestry. This lesson instils a sense of wonder and appreciation for the extraordinary potential within each child to make a positive impact on the world, contributing to the greater human story with their unique gifts and abilities.